Ya Allah, tak sangka dah lebih 3 bulan tak update blog, hahaha.
Hm... Nak cerita pasal apa ek sepanjang 3 bulan ni?
Okay, firstly I'm going to talk about what happened from the starting of this year.
The first 3 months, tahu la kan, I was working with my eldest brother at his dental clinic. Haha. Seriously rindu abis nak kerja kat sana. Bila balik-balik dari UPM, banyak benda baru yang ada, hehe.
Ah~ Lupa nak cerita, wondering why I was in UPM? Hahaha. Actually it all happens from the 5th of June till the 23rd of July, hehe. Which was right after saya letak jawatan sebagai Clinic Assistant di Klinik Pergigian Alan Adlan, of course, haha.
For that past 7 weeks, I took a pre-medical programme that was designed for students who were going to take medicine course, especially for the medicmesir-ians. Which is an agency that sends students for further studies in Egypt.
So anyway, masa mula-mula datang UPM Serdang tu, memang tak berapa risau sgtla. Walaupun tak pernah lagi duduk asrama, tapi sebab Amalia ada, tidak lupa juga dgn Allah yang sentiasa bersama dgn kita... I feel rather spirited for the programme actually, haha!
Sepanjang program tu, memang banyak la benda yg terjadi, yang biasa, jumpa kawan baru, biasa la aaannn~ hahaha!

(Week 4 : Program santai dan makan-makan di Hotel Marriot)

So guess which group I'm in?
It's Group 4! Hehe!
Memang best abis grup aku ni, sume sporting tapi ada jugakla yg pendiam and loner sket, hahaha... tapi overall, the bomb la boleh dikatakan, haha!

(all the girls are my friends of Group 4, yang orang muka arab tu tentulah cikgu Bahasa Arab kami, hehe, Ustaz Omar, and last but not least, pakcik yg bawah kiri tu ketua warden kami yg sgt rapat, we called him Pak Ngah! Haha!)
Okay, the schedule yg diorg perkenalkan is pretty much the same la kat universiti mana2 pon.
BUT! Because of the addition of learning the Egyptian language, we start our class from 8.15 am to 7.00 pm! Killer kan? Hahahaha!
8.15 am - 9.00 am = Roll Call
9.00 am - 12.00 pm = Lecture
12.00 pm - 2.00 pm = Lunch Break and Solat
2.00 pm - 4.00 pm = Tutorial Class
4.00 pm -5.00 pm = Break and Solat
5.00 pm - 7.00 pm = Egyptian language class
Okay, actually Egyptian language is actually Arabic language. Tapi Bahasa Arab yang kitorang belajar adalah bahasa pasar, hahaha! So it's actually called Bahasa Arab Amiyah.
About the subjects of medicine, there's about 5 of 'em consisting of Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Embryology and Biochemistry. Let me tell ya something about it, it is NO JOKE! Hahaha. Memang korang takle main2 lagi dahla bila amik medicine ni... For me, whose Biology in SPM is a C+, at first, I thought that I'm SO not gonna make it. Minat tu memang ada, insyaAllah tapi memang aku langsung takde konfiden utk menceburi bidang medicine ni.
But alhamdulillah, after joining this programme, I felt that I was given a second chance. A chance to prove myself that if I work hard and study smart and mainly, niat utama adalah kerana Allah swt, insyaAllah, I will make it=) Dengan syarat, DUIT ;)
D = Doa
U= Usaha
I = Ikhtiar
T = Tawakal
That's the formula I've been using=D
So, to comment on the schedule, memang tidak dinafikan memang penuh dan penat tapi best lah, tiada masa untuk dibazir, haha! Masa malam lak, selain study (ada study ke? =.= haha.) kitorang main basketball kat court dia which just in front of the asrama building, heee~

Inilah Geng Basketball! Diorg slalu join kami main=DDD Rindu gilaaaaakkk~

Nak cerita pulak pasal gambar ni, masa ni, hahahaha, aku terseliuh kaki masa main basketball, hahaha. Kalau nak dijadikan kelakar, aku terjatuh dengan sendirinya tanpa ada orang langgar aku! Hahahaha! Tu yang memang lawaknya... Mungkin nilah akibatnya main pakai crocs instead of kasut sukan... Peringatan tu Menaaa~ Hahahaha! Tapi alhamdulillah la, tak patah kaki, ni baru terseliuh jee, memang nak kata sakit, uiks, sakitnya memang 3 hari la jugak, haha! Alhamdulillah, sekarang pon makin sembuh... =DDD
Setakat ni, tu je la kot nak cerita pasal pengalaman sepanjang Program Jom! Mumtaz dianjurkan oleh Medic Mesir selama 7 minggu ni, hihi... Please look forward for more stories, insyaAllah!
And last but not least, I have a new trademark now, haha! And it is...
Aja-Aja Fighting Fi Sabilillah!
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