
Friday, April 30, 2010

Big News!



This is not really a big news but I don't know why...
I just found out about something....And it was really dumb of me for not knowing about it...
The so-called big news is I just realised that copying an essay from the internet and send the work to your teacher (or claim it as your work) is illegal and irresponsible...hahaha~

Okay, all this time when there's an essay I need to do, I would check the internet to look for the best answers...(only sometimes, okay...when the topic is hard)...
Wait, It's not because I was lazy to do it or wanted my essay to be the best...
Y'all probably know that English is my favorite subject...
I was only trying to find new stuffs about how some people write about it, you know...
'Mencari ilmu' is how you would say it....
Because my writing skills are still on the same level as amateur...
Mena, you still have a long way to go~

By the way, here's a news flash for you Mena, eventhough you took only one paragraph or even a sentence from other people's work, it will be still called plagiarism...

Man! I can't believe I just found out about this now! I feel so guilty writing my essay that way...
Huh... Next time, when there's an essay, I will not check the internet and plagiarise people's essay, instead, I will do it all by myself and be ORIGINAL!


  1. what? all this while you plagiarised?

    ah. i know how it feels. when you first get the question. googling is so tempting. been there done that. heheh.

  2. well...not all of the answers...
    only took some part, hehe...
    but i really didn't know it was wrong...X(
    yes, google! tell me about it...
