Alhamdulillah, 7th of December 2009, I, Nur Amalina has safely turned 16!
Late update coz I was going on a vacation with my family,hehe...
So anyway, just this one time, I wanna talk about myself!
My birthday this year was extra special coz me and meia shared an idea which is...
Trading presents! Hehe~
Here's a list I got for my birthday :
Chocolates from my 4th brother!
(First time he's getting us a present,haha...)
A watch from my dad
A lovely 'baju labuh' from my dear twince...
By the way, I gave a pajama and a....ehem...a girl thing...haha!)
This is the 'baju labuh's's considered a present too,haha..
This is from my sweet cousin,Nana...I think it's hankerchiefs,hehe..
This is from my twince's too...I thought it's a bracelet but it turns out, it's a 'tali ikat rambut'...hihi..
This one is from my mom...A really cute bag!
And last but not least...
A vacation to Turkey!
You may come to realize that almost all these gifts are purple in colour,hehe...
Well...Go figure!
If you're smart,you should already know that purple is my favourite colour!
Okay, enough about me...How's your birthday?
ReplyDeletecool gilaaa birthday present!!!!
i guess..
ReplyDeletechoc's uh x wane purple en...