
Monday, July 12, 2010

Goodbye Fantasy, Hello Reality

Seems like only yesterday I entered my school...
Now it feels like I'm only a few feet away from SPM...
I have to wake up now...
I need to wake up now...

I've made a list of what I'm gonna do after SPM and currently there's 38 things I wanna do...
But ironically, I didn't even do a list of what I'm gonna do to get ready for SPM...Hehe...YET~
But I will, okay~

Well...I just wanna say a few goodbyes...

Goodbye Laptop...
Goodbye Super Junior...
Goodbye my beloved Donghae...
Goodbye SNSD...
Goodbye television
Goodbye Comic books...
Goodbye Korea...
Goodbye Fantasy, Hello Reality...

Aja-Aja Fighting!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tudung Labuh


I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and she said...

"Jangan fikir perempuan tudung labuh ni baik sangat, mena... Pakaian ni hanya luaran..."



I have to admit... The clothes you wear doesn't picture everything about who you are but you can't deny that it does show a little bit about yourself, am I right?

I know, myself, am wearing
'tudung labuh' and I can tell you that I am NOT perfect.
I commit sins too like everyone else in this world. I'm not nice all the time. Sometimes I can be a little hot-tempered. I play truants. Sometimes I don't do my homework. I play games until 2 a.m in the morning. I take pictures of myself with a
'gedik' smile (Just for fun)...
Wait a minute, was that a sin?

So anyway, what I am trying to say is;
in every good person, there will be bad and in every bad person, there will be good...

Honestly, to me, there is no such things as a
'good person' or a 'bad person'...There's only gonna be a 'person'...

Wow...Now I sound like that tortoise from
Kungfu Panda...

Moving on...

But that's what you called
'manusia' , iman kita bertambah dan berkurang...Unless, of course, you're a Saint or a Satan.

To the people who thinks that
'tudung' is just clothes and doesn't prove who you really are, you're not completely wrong but you're not right either.

'Bertudung' or more accurately, covering your 'aurat' and having good traits are two different practices. Thus, the rewards are different.

Jika anda menutup aurat tetapi anda tidak berakhlak baik, maka anda hanya akan mendapat bahagian pahala kerana menutup aurat, manakala anda akan mendapat dosa kerana tidak berakhlak baik.

Begitu juga sebaliknya.

Jika anda berakhlak baik tetapi anda tidak menutup aurat, maka anda hanya akan mendapat bahagian pahala kerana berakhlak baik, manakala anda akan mendapat dosa kerana tidak menutup aurat.

You see how that works?
But wouldn't it be better if you have both deeds though?

The terms "Don't judge a book by its cover" is always misunderstood by many...
It's true but not 100% true. I've once commented someone in my past but I really regret it now because back then, I realized that I had no right to do that because I didn't even know that someone...So another piece of advice, don't judge a book before you read them, after that, then you can judge it...

My point is, walaupun pakaian ini hanya luaran tetapi kita tidak boleh abaikan kerana menutup aurat adalah satu kewajipan bagi umat Islam..
Sebagai umat Islam, terutamanya para Muslimah, kita mestilah menutup aurat terlebih dahulu, kemudian barulah kita memperbaiki yang mana yang kurang...

Alhamdulillah, to me, saya sudah menjalankan kewajipan saya yang pertama iaitu menutup aurat, dan sekarang saya akan cuba menjalankan kewajipan saya yang seterusnya, InsyaAllah...

What about you?


P/S : Please excuse my MangLish Or EngLay...Whatever it is...Hehe...Credits to my Mom for her advice...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Please Everyone

I have this 'friend' who's been facing the same problem for many years now and you know what that is?
It is trying to please everyone!

This 'friend' of mine is the type of person who can never say no to a request... To put it simply, she will try her best to fulfill someone's request even though it's a burden to her...Well, what can I say? Is it because she's too kind? Is it because she's too nice? NOOOOO!!!! *Baka!!! Ehem... The answer is...
It's because she can't say the word "NO"!
And by can't, I mean really CAN'T... It's probably a habit of hers, everytime, people came up to her and ask for a favor, she simply did not hesitate and just say 'yes'... I know, pathetic right?

Well...I'm not saying that helping people is a bad idea..Of course, it's a good deed. But sometimes, you need to know that there are certain things that people need to take care by themselves... And you can't let people step all over you or take advantage of you just because you have the ability to do it...

Come on la, bro...Berbuat baik pun berpada-pada lah...

All of you probably have heard of this story, and let me tell you something about it, I've heard about it like a million times, and each time, I'll learn the same lesson over and over again...

Copied and pasted from the book:

The is an ancient parable about a man and his son who were traveling along a dusty road with their donkey, taking bags full of produce from their farm into the city.

First of all, the father led the donkey along while the boy rode on the animal’s back. But as they traveled along that way, they overheard the sarcastic remarks of strangers who said, “Look at that! the lazy boy rides while his poor father walks.”

This bothered them, so they decided to switch positions. The boy got down and the father got up on the donkey’s back. But this didn’t please anyone either. Now they said, “What a cruel man–making his son walk while he takes it easy.”

Well, what could they do? Perhaps they should both ride on the donkey’s back. And of course when they tried that, people said, “Look at that poor donkey! How could they expect that poor animal to carry both of them and the rest of the load he’s carrying too?”

In a last attempt to please people, the man and his son dismounted and both walked along in front of the beast. Did that help? Of course not.

Now they heard people laughing and saying, “Look at those stupid people. Here they have a perfectly healthy donkey! At least one of them should be riding, but instead they both walk.”

This is one of my favourite quotes from Bill Cosby..

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody

And there you have it, folks, the answer to the question...
No matter what you do and how hard you try, you just can't please everyone!
If not, you're only gonna end up hurting yourself...
That's all for now. Thank you.

Aja-Aja Fighting!

P/S : Did you know that in Turkey, there's a similar story and the name of the character is Hoca... And this is not the only story... There's hundreds of story of him that teaches so many values.. And I even have a whole book about it! Make sure to check it out!